Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id |
Primary Key. Longer comments can be associated with a type or member through the remarks tag. |
integer |
None. |
ParkingLocation |
String indicating the location where the asset was left during check-in. Can be ignored for check-out since we can use the value of the previous checkin. |
string |
Required |
Reference |
Code referencing this event. |
string |
Required |
FkPrevCheckInOutId | integer |
None. |
OdoValueInMeters |
Odometer of the vehicle at the time of checkin/out. |
integer |
Required |
FuelLevel |
Values from 1-8. 1 mean the tank is almost empty 1/8. 8 meaning the tank is full 8/8. |
byte |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 8 |
SlightDamageCount |
Calculated field indicating the number of reported damages with level 'Slight'. |
integer |
None. |
ModerateDamageCount |
Calculated field indicating the number of reported damages with level 'Moderate'. |
integer |
None. |
SevereDamageCount |
Calculated field indicating the number of reported damages with level 'Severe'. |
integer |
None. |
DriverEligibilityLevel | byte |
None. |
CheckOutReason |
Reason for this event. Default: CheckOutReason.Chauffeur |
CheckOutReason |
Required |
Comment |
Additional comments. |
string |
None. |
IsCheckout |
True if this is event concerns a checkout, False if it's a checkin event. |
boolean |
Required |
EligibilityLevelOverriden | boolean |
Required |
UsedPetrolCard |
Indicates wether the use checkedout the car using a petrol card. |
boolean |
Required |
CarSeatCleanlinessLevel | CleanLevel |
Required |
DashboardCleanlinessLevel | CleanLevel |
Required |
CarpetCleanlinessLevel | CleanLevel |
Required |
RoofLiningCleanlinessLevel | CleanLevel |
Required |
UpholsteryCleanlinessLevel | CleanLevel |
Required |
UpdateTimestamp |
Date the event was changed. |
date |
None. |
EventTimestamp |
Date the event was created. |
date |
None. |
RequestedTimestamp |
Date the event was requested. |
date |
None. |
RequestNumber |
Adding request number. |
integer |
None. |
Asset |
Asset associated with this event. To update the Asset for this event only enter Asset.Id |
AssetRestItem |
None. |
Garage |
Garage associated with this event. To update the Garage for this event only enter Garage.Id |
GarageRestItem |
None. |
Driver |
Driver associated with this event. To update the Driver for this event only enter Driver.Id |
DriverRestItem |
None. |
MainPassengerDriver |
Driver associated with this event. To update the Driver for this event only enter Driver.Id |
DriverRestItem |
None. |
Damage |
Level of damage. Set of fields that indicate the level of damage. Possible damage locations: Damage_01 Damage_02 Damage_03 Damage_04 Damage_05 Damage_06 Damage_07 Damage_08 Damage_09 Damage_10 Damage_11 Damage_12_RHS Damage_12_LHS Damage_13_RHS Damage_13_LHS Damage_14_RHS Damage_14_LHS Damage_15_RHS_Front Damage_15_RHS_Rear Damage_15_LHS_Front Damage_15_LHS_Rear Damage_16_RHS_Front Damage_16_RHS_Rear Damage_16_LHS_Front Damage_16_LHS_Rear Damage_17_RHS Damage_17_LHS Damage_18_RHS Damage_18_LHS Damage_19_RHS Damage_19_LHS Damage_20_RHS Damage_20_LHS |
Collection of DamageItem |
Required |
HasDamagePhoto | boolean |
None. |